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Alex was not prepared for a stowaway on his ship. But when Kara showed up, desire was at the helm.


If you enjoyed one of the books by Ela Bell, please write a positive review. Reviews are important for the author’s continued work. It gives the author feedback and helps other readers find her books.

Why Amazon ratings/reviews are important to authors —

“If you enjoyed this book, I’d really appreciate a review! Reviews help more readers find me and my work, so a positive review can be very helpful. Thank you in advance!” — Ela Bell

Ratings allow other readers to find the book on Amazon or any other ebook retailer site. It helps the author sell books, yes. But more importantly, it helps the author get notice from readers who might be interested in the book.

Here’s what other authors say about ratings:
A rating is the number of stars a book has. Amazon allows customers to rate a book with one to five stars.
One is bad.
Five is awesome.
A review is your viewpoint on the book. That means you add words to the review telling what you thought of it. That is most helpful for the author.

When you write the review, say:
–Why other readers should get the book.

–What you think of the characters.

–Perhaps what impressed you most about the story.

Amazon keeps their algorithm and business plans closely-guarded, but the bottom line is this:
The more ratings and reviews a book has, the more relevant Amazon sees it.
And when a book is relevant, Amazon will suggest it to more people.

How to leave a book rating or review on Amazon
Log into your Amazon account.
Go to the book title you want to rate/review
Select the number of stars you’d like to rate the book. If you’d like to just rate the book without leaving a review, go to step five.
Write a review in the Customer Reviews section. A review should be a minimum of 20 words and should tell other readers why they would like the book. (What did you like about it? What other books is it like?)
Click submit. Amazon will usually send you an email that lets you know your review was accepted.

Want to take it a step further?
Share your review on BookBub and Goodreads.
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To review at Apple Ibooks:
Click View in Apple Books.
Click the Ratings and Reviews tab.
Click Write a Review. You might be asked to login to your Apple account if you’re not already logged in.
Write your review and hit Submit.
On iPhone. Tap the star ratings.
Tap the compose icon on the top right.
Write your review and tap Submit.

From Barnes and Noble Books Product Reader Reviews
Go to the Barnes and Noble product page for the book.
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If the review follows B&N moderation guidelines, it will post in 24-48 hours.
Use your own email address as part of the log in at Barnes and Noble. Don’t use indentifying information when you review.
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Don’t post a lot of reviews in a short time. They might be removed.
Make sure the review is relevant to the product your are reviewing.
Ensure your review are appropriate and don’t contain unacceptable language.
Don’t provide links to other websites in your review.
You must be 13 years or older to leave a review.
Reviewers can’t be given any type of free items or other incentives to review a book.

Of course, there are plenty of other ebook retailers that sell books. Those retailers include Everand, Gardners, Vivlio, Kobo, Smashwords and Torino. If you purchase books from any of these retailers, you can leave a review at their sites.
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